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Chat with an EMT

Everyone comes into doing the work of EMS for various reasons.

Once a quarter we chat with an EMT in the field and get to know their path and purpose in the world of EMS.

Interview with R.E, EMT at Vitality Transport EMS

Interviewer: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us toda. Can you start by telling us what inspired you to become an EMT?

R.E.: Absolutely. For me, the inspiration to become an EMT came from a desire to help people in critical situations. I've always been drawn to the medical field, and I wanted a role where I could make an immediate impact on someone's life. The idea of being the first line of care during emergencies, providing essential support and comfort, really resonated with me.

Interviewer: That’s a selfless decision to make. Can you share a bit about the path you took to become an EMT?

R.E.: Sure. After high school, I enrolled in an EMT-Basic training program, which was about six months long. It covered everything from basic life support to trauma care and patient assessment. After completing the course, I had to pass the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) exam to get certified. From there, I began working at a local company in my town to gain experience and get familiar with the field even more. Once I moved to Atlanta, GA, I found Vitality Transport EMS and began a new venture working to support their operations. Over the years, I've continued my education with advanced courses to stay current with the latest protocols and techniques.

Interviewer: What do you enjoy most about working at Vitality Transport EMS?

R.E.: What I enjoy most is the camaraderie and the sense of purpose. At Vitality, we’re not just colleagues; we’re like framily--friends/family. We support each other through the tough days and celebrate the good days together. Additionally, the company places a strong emphasis on community engagement and continuous learning, which means we’re always improving our skills and finding new ways to serve our community better.

Interviewer: That sounds like a great environment to work in. What do you hope for the future of the EMS world?

R.E.: I hope to see continued advancements in technology and training that can further enhance our ability to save lives. Innovations like telemedicine, better communication systems, and advanced medical equipment can make a big difference in emergency care. I also hope for greater public awareness and education about emergency medical services. The more the community understands what we do and how they can assist, the more effective we can be in our roles. Lastly, I wish for better support and mental health resources for EMTs and other first responders. The job can be incredibly stressful, and having the right support systems in place is crucial for our well-being.

Interviewer:Those are all very important points. Thank you so much for sharing your journey and insights with us.

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